The people’s pathway to new careers and stronger communities.

Why We’re Here

Too many Americans have been forgotten or barred from meaningfully participating in today’s economy.

Yet, millions of employers need skilled, ready-to-work hires.

Paving the way forward

Sullivan Training Network breaks down these barriers and bridges the gap: we train students with the skills employers need to meet the national labor demands of today and the future.

10 million

open positions for workers, yet 6 million people remain unemployed

52 million

people make less than $15 an hour

94 million

people don’t have a college degree or postsecondary credential

Justice-involved people are hit hardest. Sullivan Training Network tackles those additional barriers.

70 million

people face significant barriers to employment due to prior justice-involvement


reduction in chances of a second interview for job seekers with a former conviction


unemployment rate for formerly incarcerated people, compared to 4% for the general population

Stable communities and stronger economies starts with the Sullivan Training Network

How it works

The Sullivan Training Network trains poor and justice-involved people for in-demand, living wage careers and connects employers to a reliable workforce so their businesses thrive.

Our goal: reach 200+ communities, training 25,000 people annually across the nation by 2030.

Students receive credentialed and customized training for in-demand jobs, such as:

  • Construction

  • Disaster recovery and rebuild

  • Financial services

  • Information technology

  • Manufacturing

  • Supply chain management

We’re living in the next pivotal moment of change. 

It’s time to elevate and prepare our people, meet the urgent needs of employers, and achieve economic justice for all.

Our Students

OIC OF ROCKY MOUNT, North Carolina

Kareem Smallwood understands the unique challenges people face post-incarceration. In 2020, after 13 years of incarceration, he enrolled in OIC of Rocky Mount’s evidence-based reentry program, SOAR. While there he received career training and wraparound social services—and he now pays it forward as a program manager with Loving Light Community Outreach. As House Manager and Head of Transportation, Kareem supports people reentering their community after incarceration with transitional housing and social services.