Invest in our people

People, communities and businesses all benefit when we work together to strengthen local economies. Join our growing cohort of funding partners to build the pathways to economic stability for all.

OIC of America’s long history of creating pathways to the middle class for Black Americans and their unwavering dedication to bringing the promise of equity and opportunity to forgotten people in forgotten places led us to partner with them and help bring their compelling strategy to scale. Our investment will support OICA’s vision to bring their best-in-class, cross-industry training services to more people with an important focus on job seekers returning from incarceration.
— Blue Meridian Partners

Train our people

Our affiliates and partners are the boots on the ground in the hearts of forgotten neighborhoods. Leveraging authentic relationships with the people they serve, affiliates and partners provide training and support tailored to local communities and economies.

Our partners

Since 1965, JobTrain has been opening pathways to quality careers for people of diverse backgrounds throughout the Bay Area. An educational and training institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, JobTrain provides vocational training in high-demand fields such as construction, technology, healthcare, and culinary arts.

JobTrain operates six employment centers in the Bay Area and provides support services including housing, legal, and more to maximize student success during their training. With almost 200,000 people trained, JobTrain graduates are on the path of economic mobility: 75%+ of graduates are placed in careers after training, with average wages starting at $27.50 per hour.

Southeastern Pennsyvlania in Action

OIC of America and partners are raising the bar for credentialed training with the Sullivan Training Network:

OICA brings the STN model, robust partnership framework, and performance standards—all powered by the generous investment from our national funders.

The Clock Tower Schools (CTS) offers classroom spaces, accredited courses, and top-notch instructors. Committed staff work with employer partners to support students through their early career steps.

Volunteers of America identifies, assesses, and recruits our bright minds, runs Pre-Academy, and provides students with social support throughout their educational journey.

Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania fosters connections with students and employers alike. Their volunteer recruitment and Network promotion within the community ensures the opportunities reach every corner of the region.

Our Students

OIC OF ROCKY MOUNT, North Carolina

Kareem Smallwood understands the unique challenges people face post-incarceration. In 2020, after 13 years of incarceration, he enrolled in OIC of Rocky Mount’s evidence-based reentry program, SOAR. While there he received career training and wraparound social services—and he now pays it forward as a program manager with Loving Light Community Outreach. As House Manager and Head of Transportation, Kareem supports people reentering their community after incarceration with transitional housing and social services.